All about Héma-Québec
We’re an organization that heals life with life.

When you hear about Héma-Québec, blood may be the first thing you think of. No surprise there, and you’d be right: the collection and distribution of blood products has been our raison d’être since our creation in 1998. But since then, our mission has grown by leaps and bounds.
Who are we?
Héma-Québec is a non-profit organization whose mission is to efficiently meet the needs of the Québec population for quality blood and other biological products of human origin.
Héma-Québec has a robust administrative structure to ensure compliance with strict regulations.
Social responsibility
At Héma-Québec, we set ambitious social responsibility goals so we can carry out our duty to be an exemplary public service organization.
Research and innovation
Research is essential for driving innovation, and is a big part of how we’re improving quality and efficiency at Héma-Québec.
Explore our latest annual reports, scientific activities reports, strategic plans, and more to learn about our achievements and ongoing projects.
Press room
Visit our press room to access press releases, Héma-Québec magazine and the latest news about our organization.

Héma-Québec celebrates its 25ᵉ anniversary. Discover the donors, recipients, volunteers, employees, partners and health care professionals who are at the heart of its mission and history.
Celebrate with us