Everything you can donate
Every donation counts. Every donation helps save lives.

Héma-Québec’s mission is to efficiently meet the needs of the Québec population for numerous biological products of human origin. Want to help us save lives? Here’s everything you need to know about our types of donations so you can make an informed choice.
Blood donation
Someone in Québec needs blood every 80 seconds.
Plasma donation
Plasma, the liquid part of the blood, contains proteins that are used to produce drugs that are vital for the treatment of many diseases.
Platelet donation
Platelets are used to treat various types of cancer, including leukemia, and to treat serious injuries and severe hemorrhaging.
Mother’s milk donation
Banked mother’s milk helps mothers of premature babies who are unable to produce enough milk to feed their children.
Stem cell donation
When you join the Registry, you might be the only one who can save the life of someone who needs a stem cell transplant.
Cord blood donation
Umbilical cord blood can be collected when you give birth. It’s full of precious stem cells used to treat some 80 diseases.
Human tissue donation
Donating human skin, heart, eye or musculoskeletal tissue can change the lives of more than 20 people.

Even if you’re ineligible to donate biological products, you can always help us by becoming a volunteer or making a monetary donation to the Héma-Québec Foundation.
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