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Stem Cell Donor Registry

Héma-Québec is responsible for recruiting and qualifying donors and for managing the Stem Cell Donor Registry for Quebec. Its services include coordinating all the steps associated with the demand for stem cells, from research to transplantation.

With over 10,000 cord blood units banked and over 60,000 registrants who are likely consent to a donation, Héma-Québec is in an excellent position to meet the needs of transplant centres. Its registry is certified as meeting the highest international standards and is part of the global network of the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA), under the code ION-6912.

From May 19 to 22, 2025, take part in the 15ᵗʰ edition of the International Donor Registry Conference (IDRC)!

For the first time, the IDRC will be held jointly with the Cell Therapy Transplant Canada (CTTC) Annual Conference, with the collaboration of the World Marrow Donor Association (WMDA), and hosted by Héma-Québec. The double event under the theme Partners in innovation, will be held from May 19-22, 2025, at the Québec City Convention Centre. Join us for collaborative working committee meetings, plenary sessions describing groundbreaking research, clinical trial insights, and the latest strategies in hematopoietic cell donation and transplantation.

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